S.L. Wade – Personal Manpower Services

Your life should be beautiful everyday…as beautiful as a Hilo sunrise. We keep our client’s lives blissful during those crunch times when people say, “I wish there were two of me.” We are those extra hands. Moving? Organizing the “Junk” room? Let us help. Need manpower to help throw a big event like a wedding? Have to […]
Alfredo Coronel – Private Chauffeur

I am a seasoned professional who drives luxury vehicles as a profession, including luxury sedans, exclusively luxury limousines. As an elite member of the-world wide Multi-Billion, Dollar Chauffeured- Limousine -Industry, I am exemplified by my impeccable level of service, the special vehicles, and my experience as private Chauffeur for VIPS, International celebrities, Major Athletes, Grammy […]