The Rich Man’s Secret Mortgage: The Pledged-Asset Loan

Guess what? When borrowing money to purchase a home, you don’t have to use the home as collateral. Yeah, that’s right. Sure, that’s what most people do. So, many people never consider that there may be a better option. If you are lucky enough to have financial assets that exceed the value of your down-payment or […]
Foreclosure prevention specialists: preying on wounded homeowners

As mortgage delinquencies remain somewhat out of control, those looking to capitalize on California’s 2,500,000 struggling underwater homeowners are emerging from the woodworks. They hold in their hands a promise many have been waiting for: to prevent home foreclosure. However, behind their sweet-tasting words is a serpent’s tongue casting about for financially wounded homeowners’ money. […]
Paying down a mortgage: not always the best thing to do

Have a low interest rate on your mortgage? Make sure you crunch the numbers before you pay down the principal. Would the money used to pay down the mortgage make more than 3.25% (the effective rate of interest on a 5% mortgage after tax savings on interest and deductions) elsewhere? With interest rates going up […]