Staging Will Attract Buyers willing to Pay More

Can staging a home to sell command a higher price for the property? You betcha. Although it’s not addressed in this graphic, sellers also benefit by selling the property quicker, thereby lowering their carrying costs. This is especially true when there are similar homes competing for each buyer.
Buyer’s Remorse Unusually Common

A surprisingly large number of first-time homebuyers would have done things differently had they had more knowledge going into the buying process.
Top 10 Buyer Legal Mistakes

The California Association of Realtors recommends that home buyers avoid making these key legal mistakes.
6 Tax Facts for Home Sellers

Here are some IRS rules every home seller should be aware of while considering the tax consequences of a sale.
5 Top Overlooked Questions When Buying a Home (Video)

Here are some Key questions buyers sometimes forget to ask during the buying process.
The Rich Man’s Secret Mortgage: The Pledged-Asset Loan

Guess what? When borrowing money to purchase a home, you don’t have to use the home as collateral. Yeah, that’s right. Sure, that’s what most people do. So, many people never consider that there may be a better option. If you are lucky enough to have financial assets that exceed the value of your down-payment or […]
Foreclosure prevention specialists: preying on wounded homeowners

As mortgage delinquencies remain somewhat out of control, those looking to capitalize on California’s 2,500,000 struggling underwater homeowners are emerging from the woodworks. They hold in their hands a promise many have been waiting for: to prevent home foreclosure. However, behind their sweet-tasting words is a serpent’s tongue casting about for financially wounded homeowners’ money. […]
Paying down a mortgage: not always the best thing to do

Have a low interest rate on your mortgage? Make sure you crunch the numbers before you pay down the principal. Would the money used to pay down the mortgage make more than 3.25% (the effective rate of interest on a 5% mortgage after tax savings on interest and deductions) elsewhere? With interest rates going up […]
What to look for when shopping for a condo

When you are shopping for a condominium unit, you are essentially shopping for a community. Living in a common interest development (CID) as a member of a homeowners association (HOA) offers certain benefits and requires specific responsibilities not otherwise present when owning a single-family residence (SFR). Before you commit to a CID, it is important […]
How to stage your home

In a buyer’s market, the seller needs every advantage he can get. Home staging is an excellent way to highlight the property’s strengths. You can hire professional home stagers, or you can implement the following home staging tips yourself before your next open house. Make the buyer imagine himself in your home. It is important […]
How to Prepare the Exterior of Your House for Sale

A few eye-catching improvements to your home’s exterior will make your home stand out. Seasonal flowers and a fresh coat of paint can draw buyers to your property, while patchy grass and a cracked driveway can make buyers drive away without getting out of their car. A few of the following tips will help you […]
Competitively pricing your home

Many sales factors are to be considered when setting the most competitive asking price for a home. A well-considered asking price for a home is a price carefully based on market conditions. Be realistic about the sales price you are actually willing to accept for your home today so you are prepared when an offer […]
Shortsales: What you need to know

If you owe more on your mortgage than your home is worth and you want to sell it and relocate, one option to consider is a shortsale. Here are some shortsale basics to keep you in the loop. What is a shortsale? A shortsale occurs when a homeowner sells his home at its fair market […]
Advice for self-employed home buyers and owners

Looking to take advantage of low prices and low interest rates to refinance your home or borrow to upgrade your housing? If you’re self-employed, qualifying for a mortgage is a bit more involved for you than for your W-2ed neighbors. For you self-employed, here are a few tips to help you get your mortgage application […]